Friday, 23 February 2018

Reduce the problem of dark circles with using turmeric, and almond oil

Most girls are very worried about problems related to their skin. And to get rid of these problems, they use new measures every day, using these remedies, they want to bring natural light to their face. And also want to get rid of all the problems related to skin. But using all these things also does not alleviate the problems associated with their skin, but today we are going to tell you about something which is very beneficial for beauty, the abundance of antiseptic and antibacterial in turmeric Properties are found. 

Using it, you can get rid of all skin related problems, and turmeric also works to enhance your face.

1- If you want to get a spottle skin by removing the problem of acne, then add some aloe vera gel in some turmeric powder to your face, putting it on the face will remove excess oil and dirt in your skin. And you will find spotless skin.

2- To get rid of tanning problem, add some Tomato juice and one spoon turmeric to your face on a small turmeric powder. And when it gets dry, wash it. Vitamin C is rich in turmeric, tomatoes, and curd. Due to its use, your skin is glowing, and the problem of tanning is removed.

3- If the dark circles have come under your eyes. So to get rid of them, put some tomato juice and almond oil in a small turmeric powder and put it under your eyes, and massage with light hands. And after drying, wash it with lukewarm water. Using it twice a week, the problem of your dark circles can be overcome.

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