Wednesday, 28 February 2018

Beneficial cinnamon water in weight loss

Did you know that cinnamon is a great spice to lose weight? Cinnamon not only loses weight but is also good for whole health. Besides health benefits, cinnamon is also beneficial for beauty. Cinnamon works to enhance the taste and aroma of the dishes. From delicious dishes to snacks and traditional foods, cinnamon is used effectively.

Cinnamon is called the Power House of all Nautilants and Minerals as it contains potassium, manganese, calcium, magnesium, zinc and iron. All these nutrients reduce your blood pressure and blood sugar level and also it is suitable for respiratory problems and digestive problems. In this article we are going to tell you about cinnamon water, about which experts say that daily use of it has many health benefits. Let's talk about the advantages of using it.

Lose weight:

If you consume cinnamon water by mixing it with honey, it exits toxic substances from your body. Using this water does not make you feel hungry for long, so you do not eat junk foods and you lose weight.

Relaxation in menstruation:

According to the National Center for Biotechnology, for women who are distressed with the menstrual pain, this water is very beneficial as it also has an analgesic properties, which removes the pain.

Increases immunity:

Using cinnamon water, your immunity is strong because it has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial properties that helps you fight diseases.

Reduces the effect of PCOS:

PCOS i.e. polycystic ovarian syndrome is a hormonal problem occurring in women, where the size of ovary increases due to the formation of syst. The water of cinnamon relaxes them with this problem.

Increases the brain's mechanism:

By taking cinnamon water, the activity of the brain gets faster, so the yardstick is good. According to the study, cinnamon reduces the likelihood of brain problems such as Parkinson's Disease etc.

Relieves pain in tooth: If you have pain in your teeth, then take cinnamon water as it contains analgesic properties which gives relief in pain.

Rest in diabetes:

If you consume cinnamon water, it reduces your body's cholesterol level, which reduces your sugar level and gives relief in diabetes.

Protects against cancer:

You will be surprised to know that consuming cinnamon water causes cancer to be removed as it contains cancer-preventing chemicals and according to studies it reduces the development of cancer cells. Therefore, you take daily cinnamon water.

Increase hearing capacity:

If you are having trouble listening to it, you should start consuming cinnamon water from today. Cinnamon contains chemicals that fix the problem of soaking but people do not know about it.

Brightness in the skin: By consuming cinnamon water, your skin size and its tone remains intact. Tell you that there are a lot of fiber found in cinnamon, which help to excrete toxic substances from your body. Because of this, toxic substances can not be stored in your skin. So you start consuming water from today.

Dark circles and acne are eliminated from rice flour.

There are many things of beauty for women, so women get very upset when there is a slight skin problem. Whether he has a pimple on his face or an imprint of aging. Women also use many expensive products to avoid skin problems, but today we are going to tell you cheaper and affordable treatment, which in a few days, if the women want, clean skin is found. And there will not be any side effects.

Using rice that is available in the kitchen, you can eliminate many types of skin problems forever. You will not be aware that rice is absorbed by anti-oil ingredients, so that women can get rid of every skin problem.

Anti Aging Masks You can also make anti-aging masks from rice flour, for that you must make paste by mixing two tablespoons of rice flour, white egg white and 4-5 bottles of glycerine. Now put it on the face, after drying, massage with light hands slowly and gradually get rid of it. This face pack will clear your face completely.

The fruits sold in the market are spoiling health rather than making health.

In fact, the fruit is naturally broken before it is cooked and sold to the traders. The traders cook it using chemistry before bringing it to the market for sale and the health of people eating bad fruits due to harmful chemicals. Chemistry is also being used in banana, from ordinary cooking to giving attractive colors to fruits. In order to make the apple glossy and keep it longer, thin wax cover is mounted on the peel, by eating unleashed apples, this wax adversely affects people's health. Such peels do not digest easily.

Chemicals sold in agricultural service centers

By cooking fruits, increasing the size of vegetables, giving attractive color, increasing cow's milk, many types of chemicals are being sold in various agricultural services centers and seed stores through different names. General merchants are buying such chemicals from the shop by telling them the need. Shopkeepers are also telling customers the way and quantity of chemicals to be used.

Restricted oxytocin also sold in the market

Increasing the size of the vegetables, increasing the cow's milk in many places, the Animal Diet Centers are secretly selling empties of acetic acid. Oxytocin, adversely affects people's health. But looking at its demand, the gaggle of sale money is being sold secretly.

The possibility of cancer is going to happen

The use of ripe fruit from carbide chemistry is a factor of cancer. Generally, the supply of naturally ripe fruits is not supplied in the market demand. In order to make profit, raw fruit is broken only, it is cooked using carbide as per need and demand. Its gas affects the fruit as well as the human body also gradually damages upon its use. Sore throat symptoms such as using such fruits

The risk of diabetes can increase with the use of mouthwash

Researchers have warned that those who use mouthwash regularly may increase the risk of diabetes.

Researchers from America's Harvard University found that cleansing of mouth from bacterial fluid could help prevent bacteria in the mouth and protect against obesity and diabetes. Researchers include an Indian origin researcher.

They found that those who use mouthwash twice a day, the risk of diabetes or dangerous blood sugar is likely to increase by about 55 percent.

Professor Kaumudi Joshipura said at Harvard School of Public Health that most anti-bacterial components in mouthwash are not selective.

The Telegraph wrote with reference to the Kaumudi, in other words, they do not target the specific bacteria of the mouth - instead, they can take action on bacteria at a broader level.

This study is published in the journal Nitric Oxide. In the study, 1,206 obese persons of 40 and 65 years of age were included, in which the risk of diabetes is high.

According to the community, these helpful bacteria in the mouth can protect against diabetes and obesity. Among them are bacteria that can help in producing nitric oxide in the body to control insulin levels.

Nitric oxide is important in controlling metabolism, keeping energy control and blood sugar levels balanced.

Beetroot, lemon and ginger juice from the inside filter

Vegetable juice is full of many vitamins for the body. If you also drink vegetables juice, the best juice for you is of beetroot and lemon and ginger.

This will filter you from inside. If you always want to be healthy then drink juice mixed with lemon and ginger in beetroot juice. There is no match for health benefits from this. As we all know, sugar beet juice is considered very good in terms of health. Its juice contains plenty of antioxidants, calcium, mineral, magnesium, iron, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, chlorine, iodine and other important vitamins. There is no match for health benefits from this.

Which benefits will be:

Remove dry cough: Take out a big beetroot juice and mix half lemon juice and half teaspoon ginger juice in the juice of beetroot juice. Drink this juice in an empty stomach every morning.

High BP: This juice reduces your enlarged BP. It has a nitrate component which widens the arteries of blood and transmits blood flow to the body parts in a healthy manner.

Avoid the stroke: This drink transmits blood to the brain, causing the blood to not be frozen and the man remains out of the stroke.

Increase Immunity: This herbal drink is full of nutrition and antioxidant, which reaches every cell of the body and strengthens the immune system and prevents it from diseases.

Improve digestive tract: It dissolves the stomach's acid level, thereby relieving the problem of indigestion and stomach forgetting.

Face color: Using sugar beet, lemon and ginger juice daily, it comes in your face and skin cells get remedies.

Clean the intestines: This juice cleans your intestines and exits the toxic and contaminated substances, which makes the colon good clean and the body remains healthy.

Decrease obesity: This drink also decreases naturally obesity. It stimulates metabolism in the body, causing calories to burn faster and decrease obesity.

The green leafy salad will be young by eating everyday

One study has found that those who add green leafy vegetable salads in their daily doses keep their brains 11 years old.

Researchers at the Rush University of the United States have found that the people who eat green leafy vegetables every day have the ability to think and think in a lesser amount compared to those who do not eat vegetables or occasionally eat.

According to the study published in the neurology general, difference between the two groups was equal to 11 years less in age. With the addition of green leafy salad in the dosage, the brain can keep the brain young for 11 years.

Martha Claire Morris, associated with the University, explained that the simple way to increase your brain's health is to include green leafy vegetables in your diet.

He said that the number of such elderly people is increasing which are becoming victims of dementia. In such a way it is important to stop it.

He said that this study has been done on an average of 960 people over 81 years. This study was done for about four and a half years.

Want good sleep? So adopt this remedy

Do you get up in the night and gaze at the ceiling, thinking that something should be rested before the alarm bell? Do you keep changing when you sleep?

Do you feel tired while arriving in the morning? If so, you can take a restful sleep by adopting these measures. Wakefitt's CEO and co-founder, Ankit Garg and founder of Functional Training Studios The Outfit have suggested some solutions that they can get better sleep by next time.

Listen to thousands of years old stories: Remember the old days when your grandmother used to tell you stories before sleeping? The stories did not only take you into the world of mystery and utopia but after listening to them you could easily get to sleep. Try to adopt the same technique.

Make the right choice of mattress: One of the main reasons you do not sleep at night can be the uncomfortable mattress. The best way to solve this problem is to choose a comfortable mattress, which can help you to drown deep into sleep and wake up without pain in the morning.

Turn off the Blue Light before sleeping: To get a good sleep, it is necessary to create a tranquil atmosphere in your room, for which you can use all kinds of blue blue cells coming out of the screen of cell phones, computers, tablets, TVs and other gadgets in your bedroom. Turn off lights.

Hear the sound: Do your sleep impede the sounds of the bike and the cars? The best way to ignore all these external obstacles during sleep is to listen to the superficial voices. Surprising sound like moving the leaves, falling of waterfall etc. Surprising voices have the ability to relax and induce sleep.

Drink cherry juice: If you are struggling because you are not sleeping, then try to drink cherry juice before going to bed. According to many studies, cherry contains melatonin. Melatonin is a hormone that helps regulate sleep patterns.

Keep lemon in your room: If you are not able to sleep due to any kind of allergies, asthma or winter, then cut a lemon and place it on the edge of your bed. This will not only leave a fresh aroma in your room and will help you to breathe better and get good sleep.

The risk of diabetes is half to the mother who has been breastfeeding for more than six months.

Those mothers who breastfeed for six months or more, the risk of type 2 diabetes decreases to about half. It is revealed in a research.

Research published in JAMA Internal Medicine said that after women become mothers who breastfeed for six months or more, the risk of type 2 diabetes decreases to 47 percent. For six months or more, the risk of breastfeeding is reduced to about half of the risk of type 2 diabetes. It is revealed in a research.

Senior research scientist Erica P Gunderson said in America's healthcare company Care Permanent, "We have found that there is a very strong relationship between the duration of breastfeeding and the risk of diabetes."

The researchers analyzed the data collected during the follow up of the 30 years of coronary artery risk development in young adult research.

The conclusion of the research further strengthens the fact that breastfeeding is beneficial for both mother and child.

Your mood may be refreshed by eating turmeric daily

One study says that by eating turmeric daily, your advice may be good and your mood may be refreshing.

In earlier studies, it was reported that curcumin found in turmeric contains oxidative properties.

It has been suggested for a possible reason that in India, where curcumin is included in the diet, the elderly-elderly come down in the grip of Alzheimer's and their advice is comparatively good.

Gary Small of the University of California, Los Angeles said, "How curcumin shows its effect, it is not exactly known, but due to its ability to reduce brain stimuli, it can be caused by Alzheimer's disease and deep Has been linked to depression. "

In this study published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, 40 people from the age group of 50 and 90 were included, which had minor complaints related to yadastat.

Standing 6 hours a day helps in weight loss

If you are struggling to lose weight and are lazy to sweat in the gym, then standing alone can reduce your weight.

Standing for about six hours a day can reduce your excess weight. Researchers have found that consumption is more than 0.15 calories per minute compared to sitting. You are struggling to lose weight and are lazy to sweat in the gym, so standing alone can reduce your weight.

Around 65 kilograms of adult would cost 54 calories extra in six hours, instead of sitting for about six hours in the day.

Professor Francisco Lopez Jimenez, a US-based Mayo Clinic in Rochester said, "standing does not just mean calories, but it is associated with the rate of heart attack, stroke and diabetes due to muscle speed. The advantage of standing is far more than control of weight. "

Tuesday, 27 February 2018

If you eat food while watching TV then be careful

Do you just eat in free time, even if you are hungry or not? If so, get rid of this habit as soon as possible. Otherwise, as well as increasing weight, many diseases will also surround the body. What do you do when you are bored or you are sitting idle? Such a habit occurs in many people. Without eating without hunger, eating habits can increase as well as many other problems can occur. However, by adopting some methods you can avoid eating in boredom.

Do not forget about chips, cookies, dry nuts and chocolates in your room or drawing room. Even if you do not get hungry, you will go into greed and go to an account in greater quantity. Chips have fat and calories more, this can increase weight. Instead of keeping these food items in your room, place nutritious foods like fruits, sprouts, etc. Eat also, choose the whole food. Eat a bowl made of cooked or dry nuts or take a pulse.

If you are completely empty and want to avoid eating anything, then walk out. When the mood will change, the desire to eat will also decrease. A walk in the open air will also make you feel fresh. Sometimes, some people do not distinguish between thirst and hunger. If you have eaten some time ago, you still do not feel satisfied, then drink two or three glasses of water.

Some people, therefore, also find excuses for eating, because they eat more time intervals. You try out the small mile system. Eat less than four or five times instead of three in a day. You will not be tempted by watching this food. Avoid eating habits while eating TV.

Friday, 23 February 2018

These home remedies make hair black?

Nowadays due to the increasing pollution, people are getting more problems with white hair. Nowadays, children from elderly are all troubled by this problem. People use expensive hair colors to darken their hair. But there are plenty of chemicals available in these hair colors, which can damage your hair. So today we are going to tell you some such home remedies, which you can use to make your white hair easily black. And by using them your skin will not have any side effects.

1- If you want to make your hair black, then for this, put two teaspoon tea leaves in a little water and boil well. When it boils well, take it off from the flame and cool it down, and put it in your hair. If you use it twice a week, then your hair will start getting dark in a few days.

2- Hair can also be blackened by the use of coconut oil and lemon. To use it, add two teaspoon lemon juice mixed in some coconut oil and put it in your hair, and then comb your hair. By applying it twice a week in hair becomes black.

3- Boil the apple leaves in boiling water, now sprinkle it in your hair regularly by filling it in a bottle. After half an hour, wash your hair with shampoo. Doing this will make your hair black.

4- To make the hair dark, make a paste by mixing one spoonful of Gooseberry powder, a spoonful shikakai(Acacia concinna), a teaspoon lemon juice and coconut oil in a cup of Hina. Now put this paste in your hair and wash your hair with cold water when dry. By doing so, white hair will turn black.

This Home Made Cream Can Make Your Skin Blonde?

All the girls want to make their color white and flourished. And for this he does not withdraw from using any beauty treatment, nor does he hesitate to spend money. But the chemicals present in these beauty creams can cause a lot of damage to your skin. 

So today we are going to tell you about such a homemade cream. Which you can easily create at home. If you use this cream at night, then in a few days your color will be fair and white.

Required material-

Rose water and almond oil, 1-2 drops of rose oil, 1 teaspoon glycerine, 1 tsp coconut oil

Method of use

To make this cream, first, take a glass container. Now mix all the ingredients mentioned above and mix it well. And keep it in the fridge for cooling. Apply this cream on your face before sleeping at night. Keep in mind that whenever you use this cream, first wash your face with cold water and clean it. And then wipe it dry. 

After this, apply this cream on your face. Using this cream daily will start coming with you in a few days.

Remove your body's unwanted hair ! Naturally?

Girls make many beauty treatments to get their beauty enhanced. And if they have to go to any party or function, then they start preparing for 2 days before going there, and they do bleach, facials, and wax to enhance their beauty. Many girls and women have much hair on the body. Those who look very bad to see. 

Due to this hair, they have to be waxed. Many girls also use hair remover cream to remove this hair. But let us tell you that there are plenty of chemicals available in these hair remover creams found in the market. Which can be detrimental to your skin. So today we are going to tell you some natural remedies which you can use to get rid of the problem of unwanted hair.

1- If you want to get rid of the problem of unwanted hair, then for this, mix two teaspoons turmeric with little rose leaves and grind it. Now leave this paste on your unwanted hair and leave it for half an hour. And then clean it with light water scrubbing with light warm water. If you use it once a week, your unwanted hair will be removed in a few days.

2- Using potato juice, you can get rid of the problem of unwanted hair. For this, take potato juice in a bowl, and add Lentil Pulse Paste, a spoonful of honey, two teaspoon lemon juice and mix well, and again put on your unwanted hair. When it dries, wash it with water.

3- Papaya is very beneficial for skin. Using it can remove unwanted hair on your body. To get rid of unwanted hair, add some turmeric powder in the papaya paste and mix it well, and apply it to your unwanted hair. And after drying, wash with lukewarm water. If you use papaya paste twice a week, then the problem of unwanted hair will be removed from your body forever.

Some Tips for Getting Glowing Face?

Many times it happens that we have to go to the party or function all of a sudden. In such a situation, we do not have enough time to go to the parlor to get facial on their face. In such a situation, it does not understand how to get into the party. 

But now you do not have to worry because we are going to tell you about some such face packs, which you can use to get glowing face without having facials.

1- If your face is too dry due to dust exposure to dust, then apply cream and turmeric face pack to bring brightness on your face, for this, add some turmeric in milk cream and mix well. , And then put it on your face after half an hour wash your face with warm-hot water, doing so will take your face glow in half an hour.

2- If your skin is dry and fade, then for this, apply face pack of gram flour, rose water, sandalwood, and turmeric on your face, doing this will shine in your skin.

People with oily skin have to face many problems. If you are also troubled by the problem of oily skin, then take the egg white portion in a bowl for this, now add a little honey in it and mix it well, and put it again on your face. 

And after a while wash it with clean water. Besides, if your skin is too dry, to get rid of this problem, take 1 egg, egg yolks in a bowl and mix a little milk and honey in it, and again put it on your face after 20 minutes wash your face. Take and then add rose water on your face.

Aloe vera can solve the problem of baldness?

Everyone knows that aloe vera is very beneficial for our skin, but let us tell you that aloe vera is very beneficial not only for skin but also for our hair. 

Aloe vera has rich amounts of amino acids, nutrition, and vitamin C properties. Those who work to fulfill the lack of blood in our body. 

Nowadays, most people are troubled by the problems of hair fall, dandruff and hair thinning. But if you use aloe vera in your hair, then you can get rid of all these hair related problems.

1- If you regularly put the aloe vera gel in your hair, it gives you relief from dandruff and baldness problems.

2- Applying Aloe vera gel to hair increases hair growth, and by using it your hair becomes beautiful and shiny.

3- If there is a problem of itching in your hair, then the use of aloe vera can prove to be beneficial for you. Aloe vera has abundant antibacterial properties, which remove the problem of itching from the hair.

4- Use of aloe vera is also very beneficial for oily hair. If you put the aloe vera in your hair daily, it removes your oily hair problem.

5- Aloe vera works as a natural conditioner. Applying it to hair will make your hair shiny and smooth.

These Home Made Scrubs Make Your Skin Clean?

The skin of the face is the softest, due to which the skin of dust, dust and soil pollution is the deepest effect. And because of these, Dead Cells come on the face. Due to which the dullness of your skin increases. But today we are going to tell you about some homemade scribbles you use, all the dead cells on your face skin will be removed and you will get a clean and sophisticated skin.

1- The use of coffee for skin is very beneficial. All the Dead Cells on your face are exited from the coffee scrub. And with this your skin is hydrated. By applying scrubs, dead cells on your skin are also reduced. 

To make this scrub, first, take a spoonful of coffee in a bowl. Now mix one spoonful of sugar and one spoon olive oil and mix it well. Now put a Vitamin E capsule open in it. Now put this paste on your face with a soft hand for 10 minutes, then wash your face with lukewarm water.

2- Pineapple is very beneficial for the skin, contains plenty of antioxidants and vitamins that nourish your skin, and also improve the color of your face. 

To make Pineapple Scrub first, take two spoons of salt in a bowl first, and then add some olive oil to it and mix it well. Now mash the pineapple pieces in it. Now put it on your face and wash it with cold water for 15 minutes with light hands.

This face pack makes facial color blonde?

Often, due to strong sunlight, dust, soil, and pollution, the face of the girls faces black. All the girls are always in this endeavor that they can remove the beauty of their face and make them fair, and they do not know how many measures they use to make their face fair, but anyway their color Can not make blonde. 

Rather, using a lot of things on the face, their skin can also have many side effects. But today we are going to tell you about a method that will make you color white. So let's know what is the way to make the color of the face white.

Required material-

Lemon - half, milk - one spoon, honey - half a spoon, rose water - one spoon, curd - two tablespoons

To make the color of your face white, first add one spoon of curd, a spoon of honey and a spoonful milk to a bowl and mix it well. Now add little lemon juice and rose water to it. And then mix it well. Take your face pack is ready. Now massage it by putting it on your face nicely. And then leave for 15 minutes. Now wash your face with cold water. 

If you use this face pack twice a week on your face, it will make your skin clean and shiny. And gradually your color will become fair.

Rice water removes the problem of wrinkles?

All the girls resort to many beauty products and beauty treatments to look beautiful. But due to the increasing age and the ever-increasing pollution, the beauty of their skin is lost somewhere, but do you know that there is a thing in your house that can prevent you from affecting your aging age. And make your skin beautiful. 

Rice water is present in all houses but do you know that it is also beneficial for your skin. There are plenty of proteins, vitamins, and antioxidants in rice water that remove all the problems related to your skin. Apart from this, the use of this rice water causes your skin to become tight.

1- If there are wrinkles on your face, then to remove these, give a paper towel in a glass of rice water. And then remove it and stick your face nicely. Remove it from your face after half an hour and wash the face with cold water. Regular use of it will remove wrinkles on your face.

2- There is plenty of vitamin C and etc. present in rice water that works to keep your skin tight, and brings brightness and acceleration in your skin, if you want to shine in your face, then some Mix one spoonful of rose water in rice water and mix it well. And again put it on your face for 1 hour, now clean your face with cold water. By doing this daily, your face will shine.

Reduce the problem of dark circles with using turmeric, and almond oil

Most girls are very worried about problems related to their skin. And to get rid of these problems, they use new measures every day, using these remedies, they want to bring natural light to their face. And also want to get rid of all the problems related to skin. But using all these things also does not alleviate the problems associated with their skin, but today we are going to tell you about something which is very beneficial for beauty, the abundance of antiseptic and antibacterial in turmeric Properties are found. 

Using it, you can get rid of all skin related problems, and turmeric also works to enhance your face.

1- If you want to get a spottle skin by removing the problem of acne, then add some aloe vera gel in some turmeric powder to your face, putting it on the face will remove excess oil and dirt in your skin. And you will find spotless skin.

2- To get rid of tanning problem, add some Tomato juice and one spoon turmeric to your face on a small turmeric powder. And when it gets dry, wash it. Vitamin C is rich in turmeric, tomatoes, and curd. Due to its use, your skin is glowing, and the problem of tanning is removed.

3- If the dark circles have come under your eyes. So to get rid of them, put some tomato juice and almond oil in a small turmeric powder and put it under your eyes, and massage with light hands. And after drying, wash it with lukewarm water. Using it twice a week, the problem of your dark circles can be overcome.

Use the Natural Bleach to get a blonde and shiny face?

All the girls and women aspire to get a beautiful and glowing face. And that's why she uses bleach on her face. By bleach on the face, the face becomes fairly blond and glowing, but let us tell you that there are plenty of chemical substances present in Bleach, which makes your skin bright and shiny, but after using it your skin There can be many side effects. 

So today we are going to tell you about how to make Natural Bleach at home. Using which will make your face look bright and shiny, and your skin will not have any side effects.

Take a container first to make bleach at home. Now add the orange peel powder and then add one spoon of curd and half lemon juice into it. Keep stirring it until it mixes well. Now before using it, wash your face with clean water and dry it, now put this paste on your face. Keep in mind that always paste this paste from top to bottom on your face. Wash your face with cold water when the paste is dry well. 

Natural things are used to make this bleach, so this does not cause any side effects to your skin. You can use this bleach twice or thrice a week if you want to. Using this bleach your face will be bright and beautiful.

Vitamin E oil makes hair shiny?

All the girls want to make their hair beautiful. And for this, he also uses hair serum found in the market. But even with its use, it does not shine in your hair. But if you want to make your hair healthy and shiny, then start using vitamin-E oil in your hair today. Vitamin E oil is very beneficial for hair. Today we are going to tell you about how to apply vitamin E oil to hair. From which you can find beautiful and shiny hair.

1- To make your hair shine, add two spoons of almond oil to some vitamins E oil and put it in the roots of your hair, and after half an hour wash your hair with shampoo. If you use it once a week, your hair will become soft and shiny.

2- To make the hair beautiful, mix a little fish oil with Vitamins E Oil and apply it in your hair. And wash with shampoo after 1 hour.

3- If you want to put vitamin E in yogurt, you can also apply it. For this, add some vitamins in a little curd and massage them in the roots of your hair, and then wear a shower cap, then after one hour wash your hair with lukewarm water. If you do this twice a week, then in a few days your hair will become beautiful and bright.

Makes skin and hair beautiful by using Camphor?

Camphor is used for worship and Aarti in all the Hindu houses. But do you know that the use of camphor is also very beneficial for your beauty?

Using camphor, you can make your skin and hair beautiful. Today we are going to tell you some of the beauty benefits of Kapoor.

1- Many girls are troubled by the problem of oily skin but using camphor, you can get rid of the problem of your oily skin. 

If your skin is oily then mix small camphor in glycerin regularly on your face. And when it gets dry, wash it with lukewarm water. By doing this your oily skin problem will be solved, as well as the pimples and black stains on your face will also be removed, and your face will be bright and beautiful.

2- The use of camphor is also very beneficial for hair, using it can make your hair tall, thick and beautiful. To make your hair beautiful, take two or three coconut almond oils a week in a small amount of camphor, and massage it by putting it in the roots of your hair. Wash your hair with shampoo after 2 hours. By doing this, all the problems related to your hair will be removed. And your hair will grow taller and beautiful.

Removes Tanning Problems?

Alum is used in almost all households. Its use helps in many domestic tasks. It is also beneficial for our health. But let us tell you that alum is not only beneficial for your health but also for your beauty. By using it you can get rid of many problems related to your skin.

1- If you are disturbed by wrinkles in your face, to get rid of it, add some paste by adding alum powder to the water, and then massage it on your face, and wash it with a clean water after a while. If you do this regularly, then wrinkles in your face are dispelled. There are plenty of antibacterial in the alum, which helps in removing facial wrinkles.

2- If your skin comes to dead cells, then the skin pores are closed. Due to which the problem of blackheads is on the face. In this case, add some olive oil to some alum powder and scrub it on your face. Doing so will remove the dead cells present in your skin.

3- Due to frequent sunlight, there is a problem of tanning on the face, due to which the skin starts blackening, add two spoonfuls of alum powder in half cup of water and put it on your face. Doing this will solve your problem.

4- To make your hair tall and thick, add alum and conditioner in lukewarm water once or twice a week in your hair. And then wash after 20 minutes. Doing this will make your hair tall and beautiful.

Make your face beautiful without makeup?

Almost all the girls and women use make-up on their face. By making makeup he makes his face beautiful. But do you know, that if you use more makeup on your face then it reduces the natural beauty of your face? And the color of your skin starts to fade. So today we are going to tell you some such methods, without which you can get a beautiful and shiny skin without the use of make-up.

1- If you want your face to be beautifully beautiful and bright, first of all, wash your face with cold water. Now put some raw honey on your face, and then massage with light hands for 5 minutes. And then wash your face with lukewarm water. Doing this will result in enhancing your skin.

2- To massage the face on your face, rubbing a piece of ice and "fullers earth" (Multani Clay) on your face, and after that apply face cloth to your face, and wash it on drying.

3- Using tomato, you can also make your face beautiful and shiny, apply tomato juice regularly on your face and wash it on drying. Doing this will make your face shine day by day.

4- Aloe vera gel is very beneficial for beauty, put it on your face and let it dry. And then wash with cold water. Put it on your face and then put the moisturizer.

make your face beautiful using this remedy?

All the girls want to make their face beautiful, and for this, they use expensive cream found in the market. Many girls spend a lot of money on going to the beauty parlor, but it does not help. But you know that by using the rose you can increase the beauty of your face 4 times. Gulab flower has some such qualities that can make your skin healthy and healthy. If there is any problem with your skin, then use rose water. By using it your skin does not have any side effects, as well as there is plenty of protein in it, which nourishes your skin. Today, we are going to tell you about Face Pack every day, which will make your skin pink.

1- To make a face pack of the rose, first grind some rose petals, now add one spoon of wheat flour and a spoon of honey and mix it well. And then put it on your face and neck and leave it. When it dries well, then wash it with cold water. If you use face pack twice on your face twice a week, then it will glow in your face.

2- If your skin is oily or there is a problem of acne on your skin then grind some rose leaves and mix them with sandalwood powder in your face. And after drying, wash with cold water. You can also add rose water and honey to this face pack. This will make your skin shine and the problem of oily skin and unite will also be overcome by using it.

Use of Natural Conditioner in Hair?

All the girls and women are very worried about the problems associated with their hair, and hence they buy shampoo and conditioner very carefully to use them in their hair. 

Let us tell you that as much as shampoo is needed for hair, the same condition is necessary as well. Using the conditioner, your hair becomes soft and shiny. But if you find a conditioner who does not only soften your hair but also removes the problem of dandruff and the hair, then what is the matter. 

So today we are going to tell you about the natural conditioner, which will make your hair soft and soft. Rather, you will also remove the problem of dandruff and two mouth hair with your hair.

1- The use of coconut oil for hair is very beneficial, it contains plenty of Vitamin E and it also has a lot of conditioning properties. Using it, natural hair shines in your hair and repairs the hairy and damaged hair. Apart from this, it also removes the problems of the two-mouth hair and itching.

2- Bananas contain plenty of vitamin C, A, E, in which there is abundant potassium which strengthens your hair roots, and fixes the hair loss and two mouth hair problems. is.

3- There is plenty of moisture in the honey, which protects your hair from getting dry. Honey helps keep the hair soft and shiny.

4- Coconut milk contains plenty of antioxidants, which makes your hair dense, and also keeps them healthy.

To make the conditioner material-

A ripe banana, half a cup of coconut milk, two teaspoons honey

How to make conditioner-

To make the natural conditioner, first mix the banana, mix some coconut milk and honey and mix it well, then mix all these things and make a paste. Now wash it with shampoo before applying it and then put this paste in your hair and leave it for 15 minutes. Then wash it with lukewarm water.

Rock salt removes all the Beauty problems?

Girls do not know how many remedies to make their face beautiful, but if their pimples come on their face then their whole beauty gets spoiled. But do you know that rock salt is a very great beauty product?
By using it you can get rid of other problems of skin along with pimples. It is a natural beauty product that works naturally on your skin. Due to which your skin does not have any side effects. Rock salt is also called Epsom salt. Using the skin of your skin clears away, as well as the problem of blackheads is also removed.

1- If you want to get a clean, beautiful and unblemished skin, add a little honey in the rock salt and put it on your face. Wash and wash when dry, honey is helpful in removing tanning of skin, as well as naturally moisturizing your skin. If you use it twice a week, you can get a clean and beautiful skin.

2- Girls with dry skin have to face many problems. If your skin is dry, mix some olive oil with a little rock salt and put it on your face. By doing so, your face gets moisture and the problem of dry skin is removed.

3- Apply lemon juice in the rock salt and apply it on the face, the problem of pimples, blackheads, and whiteheads is removed.

Saturday, 17 February 2018

Girls do this work alone!

 Boys feel that they are having fun with friends, then they do the most fun. They think that there are restrictions on girls. But it is not so, let's tell you what girls do if you are alone, you do not even have an idea.

Bathrooms are a favorite place for girls. Girls are multitasking. They like to do many things together. When they are alone in the house, going to the bathroom likes to talk to their friends on the phone for hours.

Almost every girl has problems with bra. If you are alone at home, they feel better to hang their bra on the peg and realize freedom.

Aina is the best friend of girls. When the girls are alone in the house, they look for hours in the mirror. Make a variety of expressions and talk only with the mirror.

We told that the mirror is a friend of the girls, they keep looking for themselves in the big envelope in the bathroom. And many times without even clothing.

If you are alone at home then fear of what Hours on laptops watch the profile of their crush or they take news of the friends.

Girls have a lot of love to love themselves. If you find a house alone then what is the matter

Selfie Yes, selfie is also very different from every corner of the house. The hobby of girls' selfie pulls can not be ignored.

Where is the check virginity after marriage?

When the practice becomes mischief then it should be abolished. Where the world has reached but some people are still stuck on virginity. One such community is Kanjarbhat. Doing so check the virginity ...

After the wedding, the new couple is taken to a hotel room and the groom is given a white bed sheet. He is used to make use of it during connection. Surprisingly, the people of the caste Panchayat are sitting outside the room.

Before going to the room the bride has to take off the jewelry and all the sharp things. By which a drop of blood can not be put on the sheet by sticking a pointed item in another part of the body.

If the groom comes out of the room with a bleached sheet of blood, the bride passes the test. But if the blood does not come, the panchayat members are accused of having a relationship with someone else in the past.

Not only this, after this, the bride is also punished under the laws of the caste panchayat.

Such cases have also been seen, in which if the bride can not pass the Virginity Test, she is not only tortured but also beaten and beaten badly.

In this mischief, only the proof of being virgin of the girl is sought, no groom's test is made.

The women of the community and many young people keep raising voice against this practice.

The youth of the community have organized a campaign called 'Stop the V Ritual'. In which V stands for Virginity.

A young man who supported this campaign recently had been beaten by the people of this community. (All pictures have been used as symbols)

Problems and remedies for skin during pregnancy

Pregnancy is very pleasant for any woman. There is a lot of change in women's skin during pregnancy. Those who care is very important. In the further slides we are going to tell about the problems of skin during pregnancy and the ways to deal with them ...

During pregnancy, women get acne problem. To avoid this, drink plenty of water and avoid sweet things. If still acne is coming then do not break them. Wash your face twice a day with a lactic-based clenzer.

During pregnancy, the skin of women becomes dry-dry. In fact, the child growing in the womb needs nutrition and water, and the child receives all this from the mother's body. That is why the amount of water in your body decreases and your skin becomes rigid. Eat a healthy diet and drink plenty of water.

As the period of pregnancy increases, stomach starts to come in the skin. Because of which it starts getting itchy in the stomach. Massage skin with organic oil to relieve itching in the stomach.

The skin becomes very sensitive during pregnancy. You can now be allergic to the scrub and deodorant used earlier. To avoid this, use minimal cosmetic products. If you have more problems then consult a doctor.

During pregnancy armpits and neck skin begin to fall black. The reason for this is hypergigmentation due to hormonal changes. To avoid this, leave at least in the sunlight. Whenever you leave by leaving the cream of the cream.

Tuesday, 13 February 2018

अब Genetic रोगों का पता चलेगा इस ख़ास तकनीक से

बच्चों को होने वाली 193 Genetic बीमारियों की जांच अब एक आसान DNA  Screening Test  से संभव हो सकेगा। 

Test  विकसित करने वाले American Scientists  द्वारा इसे 'सेमा 4 नेटालिस' नाम रखा गया है । 

इस Test द्वारा  मिर्गी / Epilepsy , T.B और Cancer जैसी बीमारियों का पता आसानी से चल सकता  है। इस Test  को घर पर भी आसानी से कर सकते  हैं। 

सामान्य तौर पर अस्पताल में किए जाने वाले Genetic Test   के मुकाबले "सेमा4नेटालिस " Test  से पांच गुना अधिक बीमारियों का पता लगाया जा सकता है । 

सेमा4 के संस्थापक एरिक स्काडट का कहना है, तमाम जेनेटिक बी बीमारियों  के लक्षण लम्बे  समय के बाद दिखाईं पड़ते हैँ। इससे इनका पूर्ण इलाज करना मुश्किल हो जाता है। नए Test  से शुरुआती चरण में ही बीमारियों का इलाज किया जा सकेगा । ऐसा भी हो सकता है कि विटामिन वा अन्य तत्व के सप्लीमेंट देकर इन पर काबू  किया जा सके।