When the kidneys have stopped working, are then generated many symptoms in the body. Although some symptoms are very vague. These signs are growing so slowly that patients often do not pay attention to them and would not have been proper treatment at the right time. Let us know how the symptoms and prevention of kidney failure.
Symptoms of kidney deterioration
* Swelling occurs in the hands and feet.
* Blood pressure (blood pressure) increases. Bones cause pain.
* Feeling weak, jig and vomit.
* When the disease progresses, it is difficult to breathe.
* Feeling drowsiness
In any serious condition, the victim may go into coma or unconsciousness. Maybe on the life of the patient.
Lack of blood in the body
Such prevention is said that the disease is better than being treated that it should not be given to it. By following some suggestions, you can avoid kidney related diseases.
Take enough liquids in diet
Healthy people should drink water and fluid daily for two to four liters of water. On the contrary, those who are suffering from kidney disorders, they should consume water and other fluids in consultation with the Kidney Disease Expert (Nephrologist). Eating a sufficient amount of fluids helps the kidneys to take out sodium, urea, and other harmful substances from the body.
Take less Protein in diet
When the kidneys are weak, feel the increasing levels of urea and other harmful substances in the body. To reduce this level should reduce the intake of protein. Protein cheese, pulses, beans, is found in soybeans and non-vegetarian foods.
Reduce salt intake should reach salt 5 grams (a teaspoon) per day in the body through a variety of food and beverages. It does not take much salt. food does not enter the salt of different items.
Avoiding smoking
Smoking slows down blood flow in the kidneys. When low blood reaches the kidney, it can not function properly. Smoking also increases the risk of kidney cancer by 50 percent. To reduce your blood pressure, take medication with the help of a doctor.
Keep yourself fit
Do the usual intensity exercises like jogging, cycling or swimming at least five times a week. Yogasana-Pranayama in consultation with Yoga Expert. Even if kidneys have become completely depleted, even with the help of dialysis and kidney transplant, the sufferer can lead a normal life.
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