Monday, 5 March 2018

Eat potatoes and flee away from the fatness

In the future, the evergreen potato, which plays an important role in guaranteeing food security in the country, is not only rich in nutrients but also helps in reducing cholesterol levels, preventing cancer and scurvy. Fat contains a very small amount of fat which does not promote obesity.

Potatoes are found in proteins, vitamins C, vitamin B, mineral salts, and carbohydrate. Its protein is good quality and easily digested compared to other proteins found in grains. Protein is made from amino acids and requires 21 amino acids for the human body. Grains contain amino acids such as lysine and methionine in small amounts, whereas in potatoes it is abundant.

According to Shimla Central Potato Research Institute, vitamin B is found in abundance of Vitamin B group in potato which plays an important role in keeping the body healthy. Compared to the old potato, fresh potatoes contain a high amount of vitamin C which protects against scurvy. One hundred grams of potato contains 20 mg vitamin C which is more than maize, wheat, and rice. One hundred grams of boiled potatoes, including peels, can meet the daily requirement of Vitamin B complex.

About 0.6 percent of the potato peels and cells are found. This filament is better than wheat cloth fibers which reduces cholesterol levels in the body. Potato starch helps to keep the amount of glucose in the blood balanced, which helps in the prevention of colon cancer. It is also antioxidant. It contains antioxidants such as phenols, flavonoids, kukomimines, anthocyanin and keratoids. One hundred grams of fresh potatoes are found in 245 mg potassium, 40 mg phosphorus, and 21 mg magnesium.

80 percent of phosphorus found in potato absorbs the body. Less than five or ten times less magnesium is found in milk than potato. Potato contains iron, copper, chromium and mineral salts. About one hundred grams of potato gives 90 to 100 calories of energy to the body.

It contains 16 to 18 percent carbohydrate. Most people mistakenly believe that eating potatoes leads to obesity. The amount of fat in it is only 0.1 percent. After frying potatoes in oil, it increases the amount of fat that results in obesity. In this, a large portion of fat is made of unsaturated fat, which is good for nutritious

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